Monday, December 27, 2010

The way this poem is read gives me a better understanding of the feeling the poem is supposed to convey. The feeling it gives me is a feeling of slight dismay, however it also strikes me as huge and boisterous. The part were the poem says, "Kubla heard from far," tells me the Kubla is a person. I didn't understand that when i was reading it the first time. The pleasure dome is sunny, yet it has caves of ice, this could be a metaphor for someones heart. They are nice to some, however if you get to know that person they are mean and crewel. Now, at about 2:20 the caves of ice sound good. Just after that he reads, "his flashing eyes, his floating hair," and I wonder, when someones eyes flash that means they're mad right?  "Weave a circle round him thrice," this seems like a protective act like a spell. Then he reads "And close your eyes with holy dread, for he on honey-dew hath fed."  Honey dew? Whats so bad about honey dew? It says that you show dread him because he ate honey dew. And drunk the milk of Paradise? Is that bad? Does it corrupt you? The really sad part is that the poem is unfinished. So I guess we will never know the truth behind the poem.  This post was written on December 27, 2010 by Stephen henley.

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